Lem is the editor/IDE well-tuned for Common Lisp.
After installing lem, you can start developing in Common Lisp at once.
In addition, many languages are supported with Lem’s built-in LSP support.
Feature overview
Alien Technology

It is an established fact that John McCarthy shared alien tech with the world in 1958 when he introduced us to Lisp. We continue that great tradition.
Lem is written and extensible in Common Lisp.
Ready for Common Lisp
Start developing on Lisp at once.
Full-featured REPL and interactive debugger, with Paredit and a third-party Pareto (lispy-mode) mode.
and more

Terminal integration, multiple cursors, interactive grep, directory mode, tabs, Git interface, keyboard macros,
and support for:
C, Scheme, Go, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Rust, Elixir, Haskell, Java, Nim, Dart, OCaml, Scala, Swift, Lua, Ruby, shell, asm
Markdown, ASCII, JSON, HTML and CSS, SQL…