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Markdown mode

Lem’s markdown mode supports syntax highlihgting, live preview in a browser and the following additional features, that bend multiple major modes into a single markdown buffer.

Default keybindings

  • C-c C-l: markdown-insert-link.

Live preview

Use M-x markdown-preview. This command renders the markdown of the current buffer to a browser window. The preview is refreshed when the file is saved.

The preview connection is stopped when the file is closed.

Note that this command currently processes Markdown, not CommonMark.

New as of May 28th, 2024

Markdown preview in a browser window

Syntax highlighting of code block in markdown-mode

When you start a code block with three backticks and a programming language name, the code block will be highlighted for this language. You don’t have to activate anything.

This feature is available since May 25th, 2024.

Language-specific features per code block

When you write code in a code block, you can use the programming language mode’s usual keybindings, such as C-c C-c for Lisp. It will work as if you were in a file for this language with its major mode activated.

New as of May 28th, 2024

Writing code blocks in markdown code blocks is done with syntax highlighting and access to the mode's commands. Here we compile a Lisp function.

A known issue is that the execute method is not called.

Brewing features

  • interactive evaluation of code blocks is a work in progress (#1304).